Grateful For A Day Of Service

We are thrilled to share the incredible success of the 2nd Annual Southeast Raleigh Home Preservation Event on Wednesday, September 20th. This event was made possible through a strong partnership with Rebuilding Together, the American Red Cross, and Wells Fargo as part of their WelcomeHome National Initiative, which promotes wealth creation and preservation through homeownership.
With the support of more than 80 dedicated volunteers, this year’s event focused on serving the Apollo Heights/Stratford Park neighborhoods. Volunteers came from not only the Southeast Raleigh community but also from across the city and Wake County. Special thanks go out to the Men of Southeast Raleigh, Partnership for Environmental Justice, Shaw University, and Wells Fargo associates who joined hands to make a difference.
The volunteer projects included making critical repairs and landscape improvements to four homes, installing 72 free ten-year lithium battery smoke alarms in 24 homes, and spreading 30 sq yards of mulch at the Ralph Campbell Community Center. The generosity of Wells Fargo, with a grant of $100,000 distributed among the three participating nonprofits, made this day of volunteerism possible.
In recognition of outstanding contributions to enhancing the quality of life for their neighbors, community awards were presented to individuals who have gone above and beyond. We presented the 2023 Legacy Resident Award to Barbara Floyd of Stratford Park and James Cannon of Apollo Heights in recognition of their commitment to their neighbors and service to the Southeast Raleigh community. We also presented the 2023 Southeast Raleigh Volunteer Service Award to The Family of Ralph Campbell, Sr., a stalwart civil rights activist, leader and community organizer in Wake County. The award, in recognition of exceptional service and dedication to the Southeast Raleigh community, was presented to Campbell’s grandson, Edwin Campbell, who is the head football coach at Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School.
This partnership reinforces our ongoing commitment to sustain, protect, and preserve the wealth of legacy residents in Southeast Raleigh. It also serves as an opportunity to celebrate the rich history of our neighborhoods and the invaluable contributions of our residents.
We extend our gratitude to everyone who made this day a resounding success. Our heartfelt thanks go out to the residents of Apollo Heights/Stratford Park for welcoming us and sharing the neighborhood’s history, to Mount Peace Baptist Church for generously providing space for volunteer check-in and our lunch hour program, and to Mayor Mary Ann Baldwin and Councilor Corey Branch for their presence and engagement with residents.
We also appreciate Jeremy Smith and his SFH team for dedicating their time from other construction projects to volunteer, Rickey Fowler, Director of the Ralph Campbell Community Center, and the entire staff of the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Departments for their support with the mulching project. Special thanks to the caterer, photographer, shuttle driver, and parking attendant for making the day memorable.
A profound thank you goes to the dedicated staff of the various nonprofits involved, with a special acknowledgment of the board and staff of Southeast Raleigh Promise. This success was the result of a collective effort, demonstrating the power of our community coming together for a shared cause.